Beneficiary Profile
Our records show that there are around 28, 806 direct beneficiaries and 175, 551 indirect beneficiaries in year 2015. These numbers are growing each year as the organisation grows.
We work in communities in conflict, young people in conflict, minority groups, war affected people, tsunami affected communities, ex-combatants, and women headed families, disabled people, women and children. We ensue we work with community leaders, government officers and existing CBOs so that we can create links between them and the excluded people in their communities. We work in an inclusive way – focusing on including those who are least likely to become involved without opportunity, support and encouragement.
Beneficiaries get involved in planning, accessing the progress of PCA’s projects. When we review midyear progress or end of the project; we get the involvement of beneficiaries in planning, and assessing progress of the projects. We have developed a PCA participatory evaluation process with the support of Our Technical Advisor (VSO Volunteer) to evaluate our projects which make sure it is a full, active, and meaningful participation for beneficiaries to assess the progress of projects.