Other Services
We offer a number of additional services to INGOs, NGOs, University Departments, Schools, Foreign Commissions & other organizations. Please contact one of our offices to discuss your needs.
We can offer
Context/Conflict Analysis.
A pre-project analysis of the context within which you propose to undertake the project. WE will research the demographics, consult with local government, meet with other actors in the area and discuss needs issues and conflicts with community members via personal interview and community survey. The final report will include a needs analysis of potential beneficiaries together with an analysis of the conflicts and tensions past and present that would need to be taken account of in a prospective project.
Mid term/Final Project Evaluation.
Acting as an external evaluator we would undertake an analysis of the project “concept to impact”
Training Needs Assessment.
A full Staff TNA with report, recommendations, and priorities.
Half day seminar; “Peace building in Sri Lanka” – an introduction for INGO & Embassy staff new to Sri Lanka. Designed to be part of organizations induction process.
Training Workshops; (All available in English, Sinhala and Tamil mediums)
- APBC (Applied Peace building Course) – 10 x 3 day training & workshops (30days)
- Non Violent approaches to Community Development – 3 days
- Non Violent approaches to Development, and Humanitarian work – 1 day
- Empowerment & Participation of Communities; a structured approach – 4 days
- Participative approaches to project evaluation – 2 days
- Undertaking a Conflict Analysis training – 4 days
- Introduction to Conflict Sensitivity – 3 days
- Introduction to “Do no Harm” techniques – 2 days
- Advocacy for and with communities – 2 days
- Introduction to Team building & Team work; theory & practice – 2 days
- An introduction to the “Charter for Human Responsibilities” – 1 day
- Introduction training on Transitional Justice & Reconciliation
- Advanced training on conflict transformation & social change
- Introduction training on power privileges
Charges (2019 rates)
PCA charge according to your organization’s ability to pay
- INGOs, Embassies, Foreign High Commissions, Universities – Rs15,000 to Rs20,000 per day per Trainer/Consultant
- National NGOs, CSOs, and local groups – Rs10,000 to Rs15,000 per day per Trainer / Consultant