Partners and Donors

Partners and Donors PCA has many in-country and international partners. Some fund us, others work with us to secure funding in consortia or coalitions that are formed to meet the needs of communities in a specific geographical area or to support change in a particular target group. Most of our funding comes from INGOs or the UN but some comes from international governments like USAID, UKAID etc.


We also work with in-country partners to improve the quality of each of our work so that communities benefit more ie a sort of added value or dividend. We also consider our beneficiaries to be stakeholders, so we ensure they are part of the partnerships which govern and inform our work.


Finally, PCA is blessed with many people who think highly of our work and wish to support us in a personal way whenever they can and to take an interest in whatever we do. This group of people are the “Friends of PCA”. This group helped us raise Rs2,000,000 in 10 days to support 3,500 victims in the Eastern Province who needed emergency food and supplies to survive the huge flood there in which 1.2 million people were affected.

Some Recent Funding Partners

CAFOD, ASB, UNICEF, SAPA, French Womens Group, CARE, World Vision Lanka, Helvetas, Malteser, Save the Children, UNICEF, VSO, EC, ReDR, International Alert, Safer World, UKAID, USAID, UNV, UNDP, SFCG


Some Recent Local Partners